Thursday 12 July 2012

Healthy Habits Introduction...

So, recently I have been getting back into working out and eating clean again, which after a year of injuries and exams has been pretty hard to stay dedicated to. But, seeing as summer is finally starting to appear I have decided to start being a little bit healthier again and to help my motivation I decided to start  healthy living section on my blog to help any of you guys who are interested or are trying to do the same. The main idea behind this all is to loose the weight healthily though, so this series will be orientated around a healthy way to stay fit and slim down, rather than a fad diet. Also, I think it is important to mention that although I am not a professional, I have done a lot of research into the subject to find the best ways to really make my diet healthier.

What kind of posts would you like to see in this series? What do you guys do to keep healthy?

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