Friday 10 May 2013

Healthy Habits: How to get fit for summer & outfit ideas...

Hi all, 

so today I thought I'd share my tips that I use to get in shape for summer with a few outfit ideas for the summer season as well...

1. Don't Drink your sugar:
A study out of Tufts University in Boston looked at the association between sugar-sweetened drinks and the nutritional habits of 947 adults. Unsurprisingly, those who drank the most sugary beverages, like soda, had a higher risk of obesity and a lower intake of fiber. When you celebrate, opt for wine, beer, or a drink mixed with club soda.

2. Stop buying junk food:
Although this is easier said than done and if you are still living at home this ultimately may not be down to you but if you have the food in the house it will always get eaten...eventually, no matter how much will power you have for a day or two or even maybe a week, they will eventually be eaten by someone unless they aren't there in the first place

3. Work out:
This doesn't mean killing yourself at the gym every day until summer and then never going again. I mean do a sensible workout around 3-6 days a week for between 30 mins to 1 hour, and this can be anything from yoga to hiking to running, personally I run and do pilates but it doesn't matter what you do, as long as you are doing something extra you are burning extra calories. 

4. Stop kidding yourself:
Don't lie to yourself either about what you are eating or what work out you are doing. Lets be honest how many times have you said the diet starts tomorrow, I know personally I have said that way too many times before this year, if you are honest about what you are actually eating and the amount of time you spend burning those calories afterwards it makes the whole process a lot easier!

5.Drink water:
Not only is water essential for our body to function properly it is also the reason why we can sometimes feel hungry. When you are dehydrated you get cravings for food when in fact what your body needs is water.

6. Eat smaller more regular meals:
When you eat smaller regular meals not only does it keep your metabolic rate up during the day but it also keeps hunger pains at bay for the day. With around five meals per day you can afford to have a nice range of food throughout the day. 

7. Protein:
When I am losing weight or toning up the most important part of my meals is the protein content. If you make sure your meals have a nice amount of protein in them you will feel fuller for longer and you'll need less food to get you through the day. Also if you are looking to build muscle and you are upping your workouts then you will need protein to repair your muscles and build a new leaner figure. 

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