Monday 20 May 2013

Healthy Habits: Current Food Favourites...

Hi all, 
so today I thought I'd share a few of my current food favourites that are a little more on the healthy side and although I know these aren't as good for you to eat in excess, they make a nice change to just living of raw produce ..

1. Vita Coco coconut water in natural:
I dont really know why I have become so addicted to my coconut water again recently but I just find it the most thirst quenching refreshing drink ot have in the warmer months. I tend to drink this every morning after my run to restore my electrolytes but I also use it as a healthier alternative to juice if I want something other than water during the day. 

2. Quaker oats 'Oat so simple':
So as i've been doing so many exams lately I've been making sure to get a proper breakfast in me before I start my day. So I found these at the supermarket and I have fallen in love.  they are a great way to get a healthy, filling and tasty breakfast all in one whilst being really quick and easy to microwave. 

3. Trek Protein Flapjack:
Now as some of you may know I am a celiac which means I can't eat gluten products which males it pretty hard for me to find good tasting snack products with a good amount of protein in them to keep in my bag as a fill me up when I'm on the go, or as part of my weekend pre or post workout meals/ snacks. BUT, these are just amazing...okay I may be having to control myself a little but they are seriously so tasty, you can't tell there is gluten missing at all. They are completely vegan as well which is a huge plus and are also a nice good size that properly fills you up between conclusion i approve!

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