Wednesday 22 August 2012

Instagram Post no.3...

As these posts have seemed to be fairly popular with you guys I have decide to continue doing them, (plus its also nice for me to take a look back over some of the pictures I have taken recently). So here goes...

Christmas mug in the middle of summer...the smallest things make me happy 

Happy kitty...

Hello Mr.Turtle... (my turtle money box at my grandma's house) 
Off rock climbing...

Daisy chains in the grass...

The best summer lunch...

Loafers in the grass...

Sun in the sky up north...

Hidden treasure in the grass...

My tea mug this morning...

White converses...

Treasure on my hand...

The best milkshakes...

The sky on my way home today...

Do any of you guys have instagram? If so what do you like posting photos of? 

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