Wednesday 24 April 2013

Quote of the week #8...

Hi all, hope you guys are all well...
So last week I managed to miss out on the quote of the week which I had planned to post and decided to keep it on for this week because it's on a subject which I personally think is important. From the quote it probably sounds like this post is going to be focused on love, which although I think is important, it's not. Instead I thought of self esteem when I saw this, and not just self esteem but how we settle for less than we are worth sometimes in life, not only in relationships but in work and friendships among many situations that came to mind. And it made me think of times, even not too long ago, when I allowed people to hurt my self worth and dictate to me what was right and wrong...but let me tell you, each and every person in the world is better than having to deal with things such as that. Nobody should have to live their lives with people around them who put them down and discourage them..and if those types of people are surrounding you then the best thing that you can do for yourself is to begin to branch away and focus on rebuilding yourself so you can be the best version of you..regardless of what others think. 


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