Wednesday 24 April 2013

Healthy Habits: Juicing...

(photo: pinterest)

Hi all, 

So this past week I was feeling very unhealthy and seeing as I have literally had no time to hit the gym or go for a run in the evening either when it came to the weekend I decided that my diet needed to be kicked up a notch with summer fast approaching! Now I'm going to be honest, I'm not a fan of the whole fad dieting thing so I was pretty sceptical when I was looking at juicing diets online and just how much work they are to maintain..nonetheless I decided to have a go and detox myself a bit before summer hits. Now I am also going to say that even though I haven't actually completed a juice diet before I do a lot of juicing randomly at home anyway, so I was already pretty familiar with flavours etc. 

To be honest the first day was not bad at all. As I am the type of person who can go the whole day without eating there wasn't really much of a difference than in my normal day to day routine..other than the fact that I actually made time for lunch for a change yay? But I did start to feel a little different by the second day. More just in the sense that I noticed my hunger when I was hungry throughout the day a lot more than I would do normally but other than that I felt clean and seemed to have a ton more energy than normal!

The one problem that is a bit frustrating is trying to fit in time to make juices for every day. At the moment the way I'm getting around this is buying all natural pressed juices from my local Whole Foods in bulk to keep me going during the week and then just juicing fresh produce on the weekends (which would last through the week if the boys in the house weren't also drinking it as well!), but there are ways around this, like going out and buying juice from the local supermarket or just making your juice in bulk at the weekend and storing it in the fridge until it's needed. 

I think I am going to keep this diet going until the end of my exams, so I thought I could do a weekly check-in on how it's going and any tips and tricks for you guys starting also a few recipes as well. 


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