Saturday 13 April 2013

Quote of the week: #7

Hi all,
So this week I'm basing my quote around fate. Deep sounding I know but bear with me for a minute and all will become clear! So, as has been mentioned many a time on this blog in the past few months especially I have been dealing with a lot of family and personal problems that have been going on at home, which is obviously very heavy to unload onto you guys but what I haven't mentioned (or not nearly enough) was the fact that the person who helped me to get back to myself was the person who i least expected. As they were a person who I really hadn't known that long the fact that they were there took me completely by surprise and although we became a lot closer during the process we really hadn't seen a lot of each other from fall time. So it completely took me by surprise when the one person who managed to walk off my best friends train in a busy station in London during rush hour, was that very person who I had been talking to only a few minutes before, completely by chance, which of course cheered me right up.
So what does this quote have to do with it? I feel this quote just tells you to go for it, push yourself to achieve the goals that you have set yourself and really push yourself because there is a reason for everything that happens in life, just like there was a reason for that person randomly being in London at the exact time and place as I was the other day. So go out and just remember that no matter how bad life gets, everything happens for a reason and your luck will always turn around...even if like in my case it took a long time.

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