Friday 22 March 2013

Quote of the week #6

Hi everyone,

So today I'm back with a new post for you all but before I begin I thought I'd share my new posting schedule which starts from the beginning of next week. So there will be three posts per week going up on the blog from Monday to Friday. These all revolving around fashion make up and healthy habits posts. Then there will also be one extra post on the weekend on the quote of the week or a challenge that I am going to be setting myself.
So onto the quote for this week. As I have mentioned all too often in recent posts I have been going through a lot of personal problems of late to do with members of my family being ill, an friendships and trust being broken by people who were very close to me.

During this time I saw this following quote and it made me realise. Although 'shit happens' and people turn out to break your trust and use you in life, your true friends and more importantly your family are always there to remind you if the good that is still there in the world and that you can do whatever you want. You should never be put of trusting everyone because one person broke your trust and it made you lose confidence. Instead you should take time to re-evaluate who is really there for you when you need them-which might surprise you!- and then eventually just move on because the only person who will be suffering from being down is you, the person who caused the harm feels nothing.
Also I know that my situation wasn't revolving around a boyfriend so some of you may question the relevance in general of this but I think the same sentiment applies to all of the people who could cause you pain by their actions, you just need one person, like a father in this case, to show you that not everyone is the same.


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