Wednesday 13 March 2013

Quote of the week #5...

Hi all, 
So after a long period of being a rubbish blogger I am finally back for good. Apologies to you all whilst I was dealing with some personal things, which I know is an overused excuse but thankfully there shouldn't be a long break for a very long time. At the moment I am planning to get back into doing about 4 posts for you all per week, just to keep the posts more regular. 

Anyway onto the quote. So as I have said I have been dealing with a lot of personal things over the past  few months, and very close friends of mine have been helping me deal with the repercussions of this. But at times I felt like if I told people how I was really feeling all the time, then they would loose interest in me as a person and leave me to deal with my problems myself. It is because of this that the people who mean the most to me still don't know the full extent of my pain and problems over the past few months and years. 

But it wasn't until I was speaking to a friend of mine that I realised I never gave the full picture of my pain, and in reality is the reason it took me so long to deal with what I was feeling. It was then that she told me, everyone has imperfections, if you go and change yourself to meet someones ideal you will never truly be able to bond with that person. You will never be able to be truly happy in their presence and if they really care for you as much as you care for their opinion, then let them in because they will have secrets too. 

So to any of you out there I say the same, although it took me a long time to let go and be honest about how I was feeling I wasn't able to make a proper recovery until I let it out and talked it through with some people who really cared for my best interest and my happiness. And the truth, the people who are really there for you will surprise you, and so too will the amount of change in your mood once you share what's bothering you. 


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