Sunday 17 March 2013

Healthy Habits: Eating Clean...

(image from pinterest)

Hi everyone, 

So as my last post regarding diet got such a positive response I thought I'd give my personal opinion on the whole 'eat clean' diet. Before I start I would like to say that I am not a professional, this is just my opinion and wouldn't recommend drastically changing your diet overnight. 

My personal idea of eat clean is that you should avoid processed foods, white carbohydrates, chemically enhanced foods, artificial ingredients. The way that I look at my diet at the moment is first of all, it's not a diet. I feel that eat clean is a lifestyle change rather than a temporary fad. I have been eating clean for a few months now and I have seen changes in the number of breakouts in my skin, and the general glow of my skin as well as a reduction in sickness and an improvement in my injury repair time, seeing as I get a fair few injuries from the amount of tennis I am doing.
Although I have loved eating clean an will continue to do so I would say that if you are looking for a quick fad this isn't the way to go. You have to remember that results will come if you stick to a clean and healthy diet but you can't cheat the diet otherwise there will not be any change. In other words you have to be committed to becoming a cleaner, happier, healthier you!
So overall, yes I do love eating clean and although I am all too aware thanks to my friends that the diet really isn't for everyone, for me it works great a it means for the majority of the time I feel great and am eating well so when I really want to treat myself I can in a controlled way that won't completely ruin all my hard work.

What do you guys think about eating clean?

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