Sunday 17 March 2013

Healthy Habits: Banana Chai Smoothie Recipe...

Hi everyone, 
Today I thought I'd share a smoothie that I have been loving over the past few weeks to have before I workout on a Sunday to give me a good energy boost. This recipe has been popular with everyone in my house including the boys who aren't exactly into their health foods, so I would give it a try if you aren't into the greens taste etc. Also I would add that I know there is a lot of Stevia in the recipe for sweetness which isn't the best for you but if that bothers you, you could just leave out the sweetener or sugar all together, which is what I do myself. Now onto the recipe...

  • 1 Cup unsweetened original Almond milk (or milk of choice)
  • 1 Ripe frozen Banana
  • 1 Chai Tea Bag
  • 1/4 Cup hot water
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla
  • 1/2 Cup of ice (depending on your preferred consistency)
  • 1/8 cup of stevia (or cane sugar)
How to make this smoothie recipe:
  1. Pour boiling water over tea bag and let sit til cool
  2. When you remove the tea bag from the water gently press all the water out of the tea bag for full flavor
  3. In a blender combine all ingredients and blend to desired consistency
  4. Pour in glass and enjoy
Nutritional content for 1 Serving
  •   Calories: 241.6
  •   Total Fat 3.6 g
  •   Cholesterol 0.0 mg
  •   Sodium 181.3 mg
  •   Potassium 658.9 mg
  •   Total Carbohydrate 53.8 g
  •   Dietary Fiber 3.8 g
  •   Sugars 38.7 g
  •   Protein 2.2 g
  •   Vitamin A 11.9 %
  •   Vitamin B-6 34.1 %
  •   Vitamin C 17.9 %
  •   Vitamin D 25.0 %
  •   Vitamin E 51.6 %
  •   Calcium 45.7 %

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