Friday 18 May 2012

Gluten and Dairy free diets.....Do they work?

So, recently there has been a lot of hype about the amazing advantages of cutting out dairy and gluten from your everyday diet so naturally I thought I'd give it a try. Although I didn't drink dairy milk before I did really enjoy cheese and yoghurt so initially this was a little hard to do but I must say after two months the results are certainly worth it!

Although I was initially sceptical about how making such a drastic change in your diet could possibly have a good effect on you, but also during this time I discovered I was gluten intolerant so was advised to remove this from my diet as well. I did give it a go and I have found that the improvement in my skin was worth the sacrifice. Not only have my breakouts reduced significantly, they have also got smaller being more like one small spot rather than a whole breakout. And although I have seen an improvement in my skin I have not seen any weight loss so I would suggest not doing this for purely weight loss purposes.

My opinion on the diet is still somewhat mixed though as although I have seen an improvement in my skin I'm not entirely sure whether that is from cutting out gluten as well, which I feel would probably a little too far for many people out there, but either way I personally have seen an improvement which was worth the sacrifice, to the point where I am continuing a mainly dairy free diet (apart from the occasional low fat yoghurt!). I would say that if you are going to do this then ease yourself into it and don't just cut it all out in one day. By doing things slowly you will reduce cravings for your favourite dairy products as you replace them and also will find it less of a shock when you do complete the switch to a completely dairy free diet.

So, there you have it that's my view on the dairy and gluten free diets. I hope you find this useful,

take care.

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