Tuesday 22 January 2013

Review: NARS Orgasm Blush...

Hi guys,
So again this week I'm back with a review of a well loved product in the beauty blogger world, NARS Orgasm blush. I have personally read and seen many reviews of this product but I felt adding my own opinion into the mix wouldn't do any harm.
So lets start with the packaging. I love the sleek look that all the NARS packaging has all part from the ease at which it seems to pick up dirt. When in my makeup bag you can tell it is a well loved product by the amount of fingerprints covering the lid and sides of the packaging. Although the design I love I just wish it was a little easier to clean up.
Anyway, onto the product itself. And again I have to say I love it! The blush has a great pick up onto my brush when I'm applying it and the colour payoff onto the skin give the perfect amount of colour without looking too pink for my skin tone. The pigmentation is also something amazing as with most NARS products. The little but of shimmer that is in the blush also gives a unique look to it and gives the skin a healthy glowing look that is subtle but a beautiful look.
Although their blushes aren't the cheapest out there I do feel that in the high end range of blushes out there this truly is one of the best on the market because of all the reasons said above. I have happily purchased this item time and time again and I am never disappointed in the quality of the product.

What do you think of the NARS Orgasm blush? Have you got any favourites from NARS?


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