Saturday 1 June 2013

Healthy Habits: June Weight Loss Challenge...

Hi All, 

So, as summer is finally here, for most of us anyway I've decided to start a little bit of a health kick to get into the best shape for my holiday in July, but I thought this is something we could all do together. So for those of you who want to join me I'll be giving daily motivation on my instagram food diary (@officialeatcleanfooddiary) and here on the blog to keep myself and you guys on track and eating healthy right through the month, along with some tasty meal ideas and some clean recipes. 

Thats basically it in a nut-shell, so if you guys want to join me then leave me a comment telling me your goal, mine is to have a smaller set of thighs by the end and get rid of that feeling you get from living off snack food during finals!

what are your goals? let's do this!

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